Change can be unnerving for people. Some people thrive on it whilst it sends others into a spin.

Regardless of the way people feel about change, one thing is certain – change is inevitable. It comes in all shapes and sizes and on different time scales but come it will.

As a business owner, manager or leader, managing change can be difficult to navigate and communicating change effectively is key to strong leadership and to maintaining a positive work environment.

Below, we take a look at how to communicate change in a way that encourages team buy-in and support.

Be clear and timely

Clear and timely communication is crucial. For those who are uncomfortable with change, there’s one key factor which makes it more difficult and that is a lack of clarity.

When dealing with change within your team, it’s important to share practical information as soon as is realistically possible.

Rumour mills and misinformation can abound in businesses, so timing is important to ensure the right information is shared at the right time.

It’s also important to be aware that change, be it positive or negative, will be viewed differently by different people. What one member of the team might view as progress another might perceive as risky. Everyone could have a slightly different viewpoint and reaction.

The best way to communicate change is in a calm, honest and measured way. Be positive but show empathy if the changes are unsettling. Focus on the positives and be clear on what is expected of the team. This will help everyone to understand their role in the situation.

Explain the background

This is incredibly important. People are far more likely to embrace change if they understand the context for it. Where individuals can’t see the reason for changes, they may be more reluctant to embrace them.

Explain timelines and the process but try not to share so much information that you risk leaving  people feeling overwhelmed.

Be prepared to answer questions

It can be a good idea to offer to take questions in public and in private. Some people are happy asking questions in front of others and will have questions straight away. This can be a good opportunity to generate discussion.

Others might want some time to process and will appreciate the opportunity to come to you with questions at a later stage or to be able to ask questions in confidence away from their co-workers.

Be as transparent as possible and if something is still unknown or confidential be honest and transparent about the situation. It’s ok to say that there are still some details that are being ironed out.

Regular updates

Once initial announcements have been made, keep the lines of communication open. Share relevant information regarding timelines, progress and processes, as well as any other practical details. This will help to keep your team informed so that everyone feels involved and can understand their role in the changes.


The way you communicate change will differ depending on the circumstances and needs of the team. Big changes are often best communicated in person but that can prove difficult where large teams or remote teams need to be informed at the same time. Consider what is best for your organisation and the specific circumstances.

It is also important to consider the needs of individual team members. Would a follow-up email outlining important information help? Can you present the information on a slide deck for those who respond best to visual information?

If change is part of an ongoing process, then meetings to provide regular updates might be a positive approach to maintain morale and motivation. Alternatively, regular intranet or email updates might be a more practical way to keep everyone informed. There is no one size fits all approach and the best approach should be one tailored to the culture and practical needs of your business.

Do you need help with navigating change in your organisation? Get in touch to find out how the team at Endorphin can help!