Building strong relationships with your team is essential for creating a positive and productive work environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Getting to know everyone on a team isn’t always simple, though, especially in a large business. So here are some practical steps business leaders can take to get to know your team better!

1. Schedule one-on-one meetings

Taking ten minutes to have a chat with individual team members will give you the opportunity to learn about their personal and professional goals, their strengths and weaknesses, and any concerns they may have. This will also help you build trust and establish an open communication channel. It also allows for a mentorship role to develop, which will lead to a positive relationship.

2. Organise team-building activities

Another way to get to know your team is by organising team-building activities, such as team lunches, games, icebreakers, or activities away from the office. These activities can help break down barriers and encourage team members to interact with each other in a more relaxed and casual setting.

3. Encourage two-way communication

Encouraging feedback from your team can help you understand their perspectives on various issues and identify areas where you can improve as a business. Having an ‘open door’ policy where team members are encouraged to speak up and offer opinions can help make a culture feel more open, leading to a more harmonious working environment as a whole.

Are your internal communications in need of a refresh? Speak to the Endorphin team today to see how we can help!